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Hitobiotec/Hito HE Diff公司™ 解决方案/- "},{"src":"
- Hito Hematoxylin Solution - Single Strength - Recommended for cytological staining. ","

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- Hito Hematoxylin Solution - Single Strength - Recommended for cytological staining. ","
- Description
H&E staining orhematoxylin & eosin staining, is a popularstainingmethod inhistology. It is the most widely used stain in medical diagnosis and research.Hito Hematoxylin Solution is designed on the principle of the Gill’s Hematoxylin method and in three ready-to-use formulation.
- Hito Hematoxylin Solution - Single Strength -Recommended for cytological staining.
- Hito Hematoxylin Solution - Double Strength -Recommended for counterstaining of immunohistochemistry and routine Histology.
- Hito Hematoxylin Solution - Triple Strength -Recommended for histological staining of nuclei with shorter staining times.
Eosin Y is the most commonly used cytoplasmic stain, but Alcoholic Eosin Solutions are HIGHLY FLAMMABLE and HARMFUL, Hito Eosin-Y Aqueous Solution is a water base solution for fast and safe usage. Hito HE-Diff™Solution is water based and used for Hematoxylin staining differentiation.The tap water in the traditional method is replaced by Hito modified Scott"s Tap Water Substitut, which enables bluing up in a much shorter time and avoids tissue sections falling off from the slides.
250 ml
Hito HE-Diff™ Solution Manual and MSDS
- Additional Information
Additional Information
SKU HTSHS0113 - Reviews