"},{"src":"Slides can be dried at 4°C and should be stored at 4°C.
","- Description
Hito AquaMount™ Mounting Medium is a permanent aqueous mounting medium formulated for coverslipping slides from aqueous solutions. Hito AquaMount™ Mounting Medium can be used for fat stains, chromogens for peroxidase, alkaline phosphatase staining and in situ hybridization as well as other applications which require a water soluble mounting medium. After coverslipping, Hito AquaMount™ Mounting Medium will dry and harden in hours. The completely dried mounting medium forms a solid coating that facilitates handling and storage. The coverslipped slides can be viewed for 2-3 weeks afterwards without sealing.
For long-term storage and viewing, the edges of the coverslip should be permanently sealed around the perimeter with nail polish.
Slides can be dried at 4°C and should be stored at 4°C.
This Mounting Medium is not for slides stained or labeled with fluorochromes.
20 ml / Dropping bottle
- Additional Information
Additional Information
SKU HTSHS0109 - Reviews