Hito FluoAquaMount™ Mounting Set includes Hito FluoAquaMount™ Mounting Medium and Hito DAPI Nuclear Counterstain Solution.
Hito FluoAquaMount™ Mounting Medium is a permanent aqueous mounting medium for mounting tissue specimens, cell smears, and cytospins which have been stained or labeled with fluorochromes such as fluorescein labeled antibodies in preparation for viewing by fluorescence microscope. Hito FluoAquaMount™ Mounting Medium offers outstanding anti-fade and anti-photobleaching properties allowing the specimens to be viewed long after mounting and enhances the visualization of specimens when viewed under a fluorescence microscope. After coverslipping, Hito FluoAquaMount™ Mounting Medium will dry and harden at 4°C in hours and should be stored at 4°C in the dark. The completely dried mounting medium forms a solid coating that facilitates handling and storage. The coverslipped slides can be viewed for 2-3 weeks afterwards without sealing. For long-term storage and viewing, the edges of the coverslip should be permanently sealed around the perimeter with nail polish. Our cover medium will preserve the fluorescent signal for at least four weeks. DAPI (diamidino-2-phenylindole) is a popular blue fluorescent nuclear and chromosome counterstain. It fluoresces brightly upon selectively binding to AT regions in double-stranded DNA. Its selectivity for DNA and high cell membrane permeability allows efficient staining of nuclei with low background from the cytoplasm. DAPI is a classic nuclear counterstain for immunofluorescence microscopy. The excitation and emission wavelengths of DAPI-DNA complex are 360 nm and 460 nm, respectively.Hito DAPI Nuclear Counterstain Solution is ready for use solution for nucleus counterstaining in immunofluorescence experiments and it is a simple solution for your research.Hito FluoAquaMount™ Mounting Set:1. Hito FluoAquaMount™ Mounting Medium 20 ml / Dropping bottle 2. Hito DAPI Nuclear Counterstain Solution 20 ml / Dropping bottle